Category Archives: Stupidity

New York Subway incident : women pisses herself and take a full shower!

Man! this is embarrassing to watch, i mean through the whole video you will go like “Wait, she are not gonna do that!!”. 

What am i talking about? im talking about a video of a women pissing herself in a New York City Subway Car, it is bad enough that everyone is looking at her as she pissed her self, she then proceed to taking a full shower inside the train!!

The thing is, She panicked when she pissed herself and without a deep thinking, she takes a shower to clean herself inside the train with dozens of people watching, and laughed at her. 

What amazed me is, the things that she had insider her bag, like sponge, soap, and even a gallon of water. What is she? this looks like it is staged!

Reading through the comments on this video on Youtube i see a lot of comments saying that she lose a bet or something. Comment such as : 

It’s either just to f*ck with people or she lost a bet in a bad way. I can just hear how this went down! “Ok, here’s the thing if you lose you gotta piss yourself on the subway, when lots of people are riding, and then do a full bath with you cloth on. Robe, shower cap, the whole nine.” to which she replies “Ok, but i’m not gonna lose!”

Check out the 5:30 minutes video:
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The wiper woman : A women Angrily clinging onto a car hood

Check this out guys, this video made my day, a video shows a China nationality women would go as far as clinging onto a car hood before the car is being driven with her on top holding the car windshield wiper.

This happens in Malaysia, whereby this particular women are involved in a traffic accident, the other driver then wanted to settle things accordingly, by going to the police station and lodge a proper police report. 
she wouldn’t let the other car driver go, because she thought that they will run off.
Just to make things clear, here in Malaysia we run things differently and it is totally different compared to China, we would’t run off instead we will follow the law like we are supposed to. This is not china where people would easily rip you off.

I mean, why would she do that? people around will stare and it would be humiliating as hell, taking picture and all, luckily she had her shade and hat on so it would be less embarrassing….literally.

As written by the uploader in the video disciption:
In the end, we sent her to the police station with her on our bonet. This woman is so ridiculous. Hope the drivers around Cheras won’t meet her again

Unfortunate for her, the immature act is recorded by the other car driver, the video then posted on YouTube, before it became the laughing stock of the internet to make it worse it is shared to various social media such as Twitter and Facebook.
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Dani tiger Burn his GF Face is now hunted down by the police [MAS Public Service Announcement]

Polis meminta kerjasama orang ramai untuk mengesan saspek berhubung kejadian remaja perempuan 16 tahun yang dibakar di kawasan semak berdekatan Seksyen 1, Wangsa Maju, awal pagi semalam.


Umur : 18 Tahun

Orang ramai yang mengenali saspek bolehlah menyalurkan maklumat ke Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur ditalian 03- 21460522 samb. 597 atau mana-mana balai Polis yang berhampiran atau melalui Hotline Polis KL (Rakan Cop) di talian 03-21159999 atau SMS POLISKL ke 32728.
Dalam kejadian jam 3.15 pagi itu, mangsa, Nurul Firzanah yang keluar bersama teman lelakinya berusia 19 tahun itu disimbah petrol sebelum dibakar menyebabkan terbakar lebih 25 peratus dari muka hingga ke pusatnya dan dilaporkan kritikal.
Bapa mangsa, Mat Zaki Mat Hussin, 45, berkata, anaknya, Nurul Firzanah yang masih bersekolah dalam tingkatan empat itu pergi ke rumah ibu angkatnya dan selepas tiba di sana, dengan kebenaran ibu angkatnya itu dia keluar untuk berjumpa teman lelakinya dipercayai untuk bersahur.
Menurut Mat Zaki, mereka yang sudah mengenali teman lelaki mangsa dan keluarganya tidak berasa syak untuk membenarkan mereka keluar bersama.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, jam 3 pagi, dia menerima panggilan daripada nombor yang tidak dikenali memberitahu Nurul Firzanah dibakar berdekatan Flat Wangsa Sari di kawasan terbabit.
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Women faked cancer to raised money

Did you know, you can scam the public by telling them that you have a cancer and you will die in less than a year? and when you already got the public attention and sympathy starts pouring in and out of your tales, you started a fund raising campaign, just for the people to donate for your ‘so called’ unfortunate disease condition.

That’s what Ashley Anne Kirilow a Burlington native did, she planned a scam, which would involved the community around her, and she publicly spread her unfortunate story on social media, such as Facebook and Myspace. 
On her Facebook fanpage, she stated that, she has been battling various type of cancer for years alone, since she claimed that her parents are already dead.

This eventually, granted her cash money, and it is reported that she had her dream wedding with her boyfriend, and goes to their dream honeymoon.
It turns out that she doesn’t have a cancer after all, she is reported fit and healthy, also both of her parents are still alive and well. The truth is she shaved her head and eyebrows, plucked her eyelashes and starved herself to look like a chemotherapy patient. She told anyone she met she had been disowned by drug-addicted parents, or that they were dead.
Ashley picture leaving a courthouse

After the news of her scam spread, the community has just goes furious, and want their money back! Her married husband also dump her knowing that she is a liar. 

After being hunt down, Ashley Anne Kirilow doesn’t want to be interviewed. And since this day she is rarely seen going out on public.

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Youtube Dude Man : Another stupid Bieber Fan!

A lot of people nowadays hate’s Justin Bieber, i dont know why, but half of the ‘Bieber Hater’ hates his fans instead of him, for being so immature and ignorant. Of course more than half of Justin Bieber fan’s are kids.

One of the ‘Beiber fan’ using the Youtube username ‘Dude Man’ is currently  receiving a lot of attention. Why do you ask? because he has been going around Youtube video of Jimi Hendrix , Beethoven , The Beetles ,Led Zeppelin and some other videos, posting shi*ty respond about the old music.

This post has started it all : Posted on 9Gag by  Incolent

And it is followed by this post, posted by giftspritze

These kids nowadays don’t know how to appreciate good music. Those music that he publicly insult are the music of other people time, if he dont like it, then try to respect it. 
Without any of them, Music nowadays would not be as it is today.

Just for a thought.
This Dude Man kid should really get his *ss spanked, and his internet wire cut off forever.
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uncleseekers.blogspot admin ‘Uncleseekers’ Jailed due to the harrastment made on the Royalties

A blogger Syed Abdullah Al-Attas or commonly known by his stage name as Uncle Seekers are being detained by police, due to his act posting entry on his blog with intention to Insult the Johor King and their Royal family.

What the hell is he is thinking about? posting things about the Royalty? maybe he should open up his eyes and look around!! this is malaysia, sensivity is all around. This is not big country like Britain where you could post something bad about your Queen and get away with it.

Originally, he became famous after his show aired on NT7 called the Seekers, which is a show about hunting ghost and stuff, and he addressed his name on that show as Uncle.
Most of the people dont really like him, because of his cocky attitude, and he think that he knows everything, making him the most intelligent man in his own world. He mess around giving people the perception that everything he says is the truth. Check this video out where he try to make a fool out of Datuk Fazilah Kamsah :
But at the end, Datuk Fazilah calmly deal with Uncle stupidity back to him, making he look like a fool.

At the end, the question is, what do Uncle Gain from his act harrasing the Royalty on his blog? Does this make him a Hero? does he wants popularity for himself and his blog? From what we can see, the public thinks he is just an another celebrity that they dont even want anymore.

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Karen Klein: And old women cries, bullied by 4 New York Student

A video has reached million of views in just a couple of days, showing a bunch of middle school students bullying a Bus Monitor, Karen Klein, 68. What the hell are these boys thinking? They totally have no respect for the elderly.

Four New-Yorker student constantly curse the poor old woman saying that she is fat, and at one point, threatened to beat her at her own house, which lead to her crying.

The most saddest part is when one of the student says:
you dont have any family, because they killed them self because they dont want to be anywhere near you

Which is making her extreamly sad because one of her son did commit suicide 10 years ago.

I mean, what else can she do other than crying? thanks to those jackass!
These f*ckerz has been suspended for a year and sent to non-school facility where they will be tutored academically. Also They will be required to complete 50 hours of community service with senior citizens and will receive formal behavioural training

Abusing an old woman for their own amusement, is just so mess up, just imagine if someone do the exact same thing to your mother or someone you love.

I hope those kids learn their lesson……………….and die……………

Check the video out!
At the end of the day, People are just so awesome, after watching the video, they raised US100,000 donation for her to retire 🙂
Karen interview video : 


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Baby infant bitten by cobra for the sake of a street performance

This happens in india, to be frank, we all know India is one mess up country, they exploit everything so that some idiots would have a couple of bucks in their pocket. Even their politicians are circle’s with corruption and s*it. But that is another story.

This topic is about a video showing a girl infant are placed in-front of a Cobra, as she taught the snake is a toy she  crawl towards the Cobra before she is bitten several times, on the frikin head!!.

I know times are getting hard, and money is friking everything. But exploiting your baby to get profits? that is just straight mess up.

I know i cant judge things that i dont even knew about, but after watching the video, i know India is a frikin mess up country. Even the community is heartless. 

What a poor baby, although the cobra fangs already removed but still that is so wrong. The authorities should take this matter seriously so that these kind of exploitation would not goes on and on.

p/s : Not all people are as stupid as some, still there are still as stupid as others.

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Indian Mother let her lover rape her 11-year-old daughter.

The mother of an 11-year-old girl in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, allowed her 45-year-old lover to rape her daughter, reported Tamil Nesan.

The matter came to light after doctors in Rajaji Hospital found that the girl suffered continuous bleeding from her private parts when mother brought her there for treatment.

Suspecting sexual assault, the doctor alerted the police, who then interrogated the 35-year old mother. The mother later confessed to allowing contractor T. Ravi, of Vandiyur Village, to rape her daughter.

Police said, Ravi, who is also a moneylender, had been having an affair with the mother and would often visit her home without her husband’s knowledge.

On one such visit on thursday, Ravi had sex with the girl with her mother consent.

The mother has since been arrested while police are on the hunt for Ravi, who has gone hiding.

What the fuck does both of these stupid lover thinks? raping a 11 year old? that is just so so not acceptable.

And what kind of  mother would do that to her family, Cheating on her husband is one thing, but letting her lover rape their daughter? WHAT DA FRIKIN FUCK??!! What a straight up BITCH!!

Her husband must be frikin furious, both this shithead’s must get what their deserve. I mean, The dick of that man should have been chopped off and stuck on his own ass….well literally…

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What happen if you refill Mcd Beverage more than 5 times.

Only in Malaysia you got this kind of drama going on, what kind of drama? well….to cut a long story short, a group of High School Students are enjoying their McDonald Meal, when they decided to refill their beverages, not once not twice, but five times.

And what does this lead to? well….argument between both side occurs, i don’t know what really lead to those silly misunderstanding, i mean starting a fight for some stupid reason are so immature yet both side then decided to settle things outside the premise. 

Maybe there are some background scene that does not shown on the vid that goes something like this :

Student : May i refill for the fifth time sir??
Mcd Staff : Go fuck youself!
Student : #$*&*(#@$

Better yet watch the video for yourself.

For those of you who are expecting some fight, well dont waste your time watching the vid, because other than a group of teenagers talking crap to each other, you wont see any brawl.

(Additional dialogue are purely made-up)

We cant even blame them, teenagers gonna be teenagers, in 5 years onwards if they watch this video they will shit bricks….Literally….

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