Category Archives: Osem video

Flying People in New York City [Caught on tape!!]

Have you imagine people would ever fly, have you ever wanted that day to come?well, These few people had made the long dream come true, literally.
Three Human shape Rc planes were flown around New York to create illusion of people flying around, and this shocked the heck out of everybody around the area.

Most of them who saw the Human shape RC plane mistakenly saw it as a Living Human Being, taking picture and all. What a great troll!

Check the video out!

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This annoying women deserve a slap on her face

What would you do if a person yell at you while you are watching tv? slap her face with powder on your hands of course!!! Check out this funny video.
This is a funny set up made by probably her brother as the video are recorded by her mom. Funny video, would be even funnier if this is not a prank. Lol.

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7 Year old boy arrested by a police officer

Hey check this video out, as mention in this video description the videos are recorded way back on the 1980’s, showing a police officer arrested a young boy, maybe in the age of 7 (or more), because he was stealing bike from a neighborhood.

“Put you hands around your back”, the police police ask the boy, before cuffing his hands, which eventually makes the boy burst into tears.

Actually the boy (Or known as Kevin) relatives wanted to teach him a lesson, and they had him mock arrested to teach him a lesson, The police officers actions escalated to cruelty beyond the extension of his relatives.
Check the video out :

What do you think?

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Most Amazing Human Statue ever!!

Hey guys check out this amazing Human Statue ever, he literally sits on an invisible chair! Of course there are some certain trick on how he does that but hey, this is fun to watch. Check out the video below.
An articulated prop bolted to the plate he stands on. Hidden by/inside the right trouser leg, his right leg never move, and that how he does that. But her give this guys some credit will ya 🙂

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Serial butt stabber

Can you actually believe some people would go around and stab other people? on the FRIKIN BUTT!! 

Yes, a Serial butt stabber with the name Johnny D. Guillen, or known as Corta Naglas or ‘Butt Cutter’ already arrested due to his unusual act of crime. Before arrested this man had stabbed 13 women butt in the area of northern Virginia, most of the attacks occur on a shopping mall. 

This man must be one of those freak that have those weird sex fantasy, instead of having the thoughts “Damn, Ima tap that as*” he goes like “Damn, ima stab that a*s, go home, and fap to that!“. Which apparently he did.

Now, keep this man away from people and threw him in a jungle, this man is to disgusting to be wandering around.

Check out the video, this video is in Spanish, can find any in English.

Also check out this video about another butt stabber freak stabbing people butt caught on tape.

Do be warned: Clenching of own booty might occur.
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Amazing people, crazy talent and skills

You know, Amazing people are just amazing, Just as these few people that are featured in a youtube video with the title ‘World Fastest Everything’. 

Various raw and rare clip are edited to make a 5:36 minutes length video, showing the world fastest Shooter, Clapper, Runner etc. 

Check the video of these amazing people and crazy talent skills.
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New York Subway incident : women pisses herself and take a full shower!

Man! this is embarrassing to watch, i mean through the whole video you will go like “Wait, she are not gonna do that!!”. 

What am i talking about? im talking about a video of a women pissing herself in a New York City Subway Car, it is bad enough that everyone is looking at her as she pissed her self, she then proceed to taking a full shower inside the train!!

The thing is, She panicked when she pissed herself and without a deep thinking, she takes a shower to clean herself inside the train with dozens of people watching, and laughed at her. 

What amazed me is, the things that she had insider her bag, like sponge, soap, and even a gallon of water. What is she? this looks like it is staged!

Reading through the comments on this video on Youtube i see a lot of comments saying that she lose a bet or something. Comment such as : 

It’s either just to f*ck with people or she lost a bet in a bad way. I can just hear how this went down! “Ok, here’s the thing if you lose you gotta piss yourself on the subway, when lots of people are riding, and then do a full bath with you cloth on. Robe, shower cap, the whole nine.” to which she replies “Ok, but i’m not gonna lose!”

Check out the 5:30 minutes video:
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The wiper woman : A women Angrily clinging onto a car hood

Check this out guys, this video made my day, a video shows a China nationality women would go as far as clinging onto a car hood before the car is being driven with her on top holding the car windshield wiper.

This happens in Malaysia, whereby this particular women are involved in a traffic accident, the other driver then wanted to settle things accordingly, by going to the police station and lodge a proper police report. 
she wouldn’t let the other car driver go, because she thought that they will run off.
Just to make things clear, here in Malaysia we run things differently and it is totally different compared to China, we would’t run off instead we will follow the law like we are supposed to. This is not china where people would easily rip you off.

I mean, why would she do that? people around will stare and it would be humiliating as hell, taking picture and all, luckily she had her shade and hat on so it would be less embarrassing….literally.

As written by the uploader in the video disciption:
In the end, we sent her to the police station with her on our bonet. This woman is so ridiculous. Hope the drivers around Cheras won’t meet her again

Unfortunate for her, the immature act is recorded by the other car driver, the video then posted on YouTube, before it became the laughing stock of the internet to make it worse it is shared to various social media such as Twitter and Facebook.
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China Olympic training or child cruelty? [Video Included]

What the hell china? that is how i responded when i saw a video with the title ‘Chinese Olympic training or child cruelty’.

A video that shows how China takes olympic seriously, kids in their early age are forced to undergo a tough training session outside their will.

In the video you can see they perform amzing gymnastic routine that most of the kids their age couldnt do. Also you can clearly see they are crying because at some point they couldnt take the abuse anymore. But they have to do it as they are told or they will be punished.

C,mon man! they are just kids! stop abusing them! check out the video.
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Mr Bean at the Olympic Opening Ceremony

Rowan Atkinson, or better known as the Mr Bean, had made n appearance in the Olympic opening ceremonies. He appear during the orchestra performance, where he sits together and act like he is one of the members who play an instrument.

The thing is, he only uses funny expression, just like he used to, to catch the people attention, the keyboard he plays doesn’t really plugged to any speaker. 
This 55 year old Celebrity made an impact on the whole performance it self. Other then Mr Bean, James Bond also appear in the Olympic opening show, a few personality that represent Britain as a whole.

Check these video out, this is originally uploaded on YouTube, but most of it is taken down due to the Olympic official copyright. I am lucky enough to download it and re-upload.
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