Category Archives: Bizzare

Unusual two headed snake kept as a pet

Having a snake as a pet is not an unusual thing, but having a snake with two head on both of the ends are another story.

A pair of sibling in Greenwood, South Carolina, Savanna and Preston Logan keep the unusual snake as a pet, when a worker found the snake before handed it over to them.

By the look of it, it is not dangerous at all, as reported by The high school biology department at Ware Shoals High school the snake only feed on slugs and snails and it can grow at most 10 inches long.

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7 Year old boy arrested by a police officer

Hey check this video out, as mention in this video description the videos are recorded way back on the 1980’s, showing a police officer arrested a young boy, maybe in the age of 7 (or more), because he was stealing bike from a neighborhood.

“Put you hands around your back”, the police police ask the boy, before cuffing his hands, which eventually makes the boy burst into tears.

Actually the boy (Or known as Kevin) relatives wanted to teach him a lesson, and they had him mock arrested to teach him a lesson, The police officers actions escalated to cruelty beyond the extension of his relatives.
Check the video out :

What do you think?

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baloney9998887 asked Nigahiga to commit suicide

It is not easy being an internet celebrity, especially if you are Nigahiga. Haters will tend to post sh*tty comments such as what baloney9998887 posted on one of Higa video as such:

“Can you do the world a big favor by jumping off a clif and stop posting these stupid motherf*ckin videos”

And Higa responded through this epic video meant for him:

I must say, what an epic win for Higa.
And don’t bother searching for baloney9998887 YouTube account because after getting harassed by ‘Higa army’s’ he closed down his channel. 
Well what else would you do if you have Higa posted a video which is mainly about you right?.
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Michael and Margaret Pollara made almost 1 Million dollar selling stolen toys On ebay

A pair of mother and son had made almost a million just from stealing toys from various store across the nation and sell it back on-line.

Micheal Pollara, 46 goes across the country (U.S) just to get to the toys store such as Toy-R-Us, Walmart, CVS and other retailers, but the thing is he would pick out boxes containing cheap toys, then replace the cheap contents with more expensive toys including Harry Potter Lego sets, Leap Pads, and InnoTabs.

He would then go to the checkout line, where cashiers would ring up the box for the marked price, not knowing that inside were toys worth hundreds or thousands of dollars.

After he had gather all the toys, his mother Margaret Pollara, 70 would then sell the toys online nevertheless where they are at the moment.

Their act is busted when Micheal are caught in the act by a surveillance camera  in Toy R Us Boynton Beach, Florida, before being hunted down by the police for fraud.

These two pair sell their product on the site E-Bay using two username, ‘LineMart’ or ‘Buymart-USA’. Those two accounts alone took in a total $909,000.

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Quxi River polluted by latex

Beijing : A one-kilometre stretch of the Quxi river in China has turned white following a chemical leak from a factory.
The discharge occurred from a chemical plant in Wenzhou city of Zhejiang province Sunday, the China Daily reported Wednesday.
The chemical was not toxic, but environmental experts said the discharge damaged the river. About 200 kg of natural emulsion had flowed into the river.
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China Olympic training or child cruelty? [Video Included]

What the hell china? that is how i responded when i saw a video with the title ‘Chinese Olympic training or child cruelty’.

A video that shows how China takes olympic seriously, kids in their early age are forced to undergo a tough training session outside their will.

In the video you can see they perform amzing gymnastic routine that most of the kids their age couldnt do. Also you can clearly see they are crying because at some point they couldnt take the abuse anymore. But they have to do it as they are told or they will be punished.

C,mon man! they are just kids! stop abusing them! check out the video.
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James Holmes ‘The Joker’ are facing either Death Sentence or Life Time Imprisonment

Remember the news about the joker wannabes? James Holmes that killed 12 people and 58 other is left injured in Aurora, Colorado, last month.

James Holmes appeared on the Batman Movie Screening in Colorado equip with armory, guns and other military equipment, before shooting the public that lead to death and injuries. reported that he is already did charged with 142 criminal charges, 116 counted attempted murder, and 24 murder. The site also added that, Holmes case is indeed the most horrifying public murder that the Modern-American had ever encounter with.

His punishment will be either Death Sentences, or Life time Imprisonment. Now, would that be fair to the victim family member’s? is that the exact and the right punishment for his doings? 

I have browse around for the public respond on this matte, and most of the responders on expect a far more painful punishment.

Their respond are as such :
This type of man should be in jail for the rest of his life, that is far more worst than the death penalty, that will teach him a lesson. Also this will give him the chance to think about his doing other than hunting his soul….well…literally speaking…

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Sanjaya Nadav A nepal Factory workers dies after an Air pump hose inserted into his Anus

Sanjaya Nadav, 25, a Nepal factory worker died after his friend inserted an Air pump hose into his anus in one of the factory in Seremban, Malaysia. 

These two workers are having a quarrel that leads to this tragic incident. As reported by

After the victim faint the 33 year old suspect goes panic before he inform their supervisor about it. The 25 year old victim then rushed to the nearby hospital before he reported dead due to an internal bleeding cause by the heavy pressure from the Air Pump.

What a bizzare way to kill your friend, and what does the suspect thinks when he inserted the Air pump hose? i barely imagine how does the actual incident  be like.

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Prahad, a man that never eat or drink for 74 years

This is a story that goes back to the year 2010, indeed this is an amazing story about a guy who are still alive without eating or drinking for 74 years.

Prahad a man from Gujarat, India, claimed that since he is away from home at the age of 7, he never eat or drink. Still he can survive up until now.

Since then researchers undergoes several test and thorough observation of this man. What does he do to keep himself alive and well?? does he have a very unique gift that make him as he is today?

He is 84 years old now, and if you take 74 years out of his age, he has stop eating or drinking since he is 10.  Even tough this is one of the great way for you to save money, please don’t try it at home. At-least don’t try it for 74 years.

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Plastic Surgery : Win and Fail

Most of the people just want to have a perfect body and perfect looks, unfortunately not all people are born that way, some take one step further to undergo a plastic surgery. 

Half might be successful on doing so, and the other half just turn into a monster, literally. Lets take a look on some of the plastic surgery Win and Fail.

Women with giant boobs.

Be shine who holds the world most biggest boobs. From a humbe size B cup she is now a Z.

A woman with giant Butt.
It is a women desire to own a perfect body, to perfect face, perfect boob and perfect butt. That’s what drive Vanity Wonder a 30 years old to own a so called Big Booty such as Nicky Minage and Kim K.

She spent almost USd15000 to get silicon injected into her butt which is done illegally. And now she own one of the most bootylicious booty in the world.[Link]
A man who grew 6 inch.
What would you do if you are not that person that you wanted to be? what would you do to satisfy yourself and what would you do to change all that?
That whats been going around in 37-year-old New Yorker mind, who goes by the name pseudonym “Apotheosis” in online forums and asked that “20/20” not use his real name. [Link]

the young man from New Jersey discovered that he would ultimately only grow to be a mere 4’11.5″ tall. Due to his short height, Shukla opted to undergo the painful process of lengthening his limbs in order to increase his height. Nearly 5’2″ after surgery, Shukla is now significantly taller than before.
A Russian women with giant lips.
Kristina Rei, 22 had the world biggest lips after she thinks that her thin lips make her looks ugly, she then spent almost 4000 euro to make her lips like her fav cartoon character.

A women got injected a crazy mixture in her butt by a fake doctor.
A Russian Barbie remove her ribs just to have smaller waist. 
Valeria Lukyanova is given the title the living Barbie, she is a ukranian girl who has been the buzz on the internet. Why?well as you can see, she really looks like Barbie! 

Some claim that she undergoes various surgical just to look 100% like Barbie.

A Fake doctor inject cement in this women face.
This is another story about what fake doctors can do to you, Rajee Narinesingh had cement and other different type of concrete mixture added to her face.
Oneal Ron Moris are fake sugical doctor who are responsible for ruining her face. 

A man implant fake breast due to his losing a $100000 dollars bet.
This is a story that goes back in 1996, where a Brian Zembic who lose a large amount of money decided to take on a bet. A bet that started off from a conversation with his friend Jobo. 
A wager that required Brian to implant a fake breast and keep it for a year, if he are successful on doing so, then jobo would pay him the $100,000 dollars which eventually what Jobo did on the year 1997.

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