Monthly Archives: April 2012

UPSI student commit suicide from the 4th floor

Recent news reported that a  female student from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) died  which is believed to be fallen down from the 4th floor of the university building.

Some source said that it was an unexpected incident, but other source said that she is in a state of mental depression, because there are a lot of blood stain found on the 4th floor which she is at before she jumped down.

The body of the third semester student was found by other UPSI students around the time of 5:30PM – 6:00PM which coincidently passed by the building area.

Some other source said that she dies because of the serious injuries on her legs and head.

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Exotic food all over the world

There are thousand of consumable animal out there that you can pick to prepare your meal, but these animal that will be shown are not one of it.Check this out, some of the food that consider to be a delicate meal for some people, most of these picture might appear disgusting, so if you are the type of people who cant stand seeing those type of food, be warned.

(Balut – a half fertilized duck or chicken egg)

(Bat Soup)

(Carterpilla Fungus)

(Cobra Blood)

(Deep Fried Bugs)

(Dog Meat)

Cow Brain Burger)

(Human Placenta Soup)


(Snake And Scorpion Wine)

(Baby Mice Wine)

(Duck blood Soup)

(Ox Penis)
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Thomas Beatie the man who give birth

Thomas Beatie the man who give birth, who was originally born as a women for 24 years with the name Tracy. Growing up in Hawaii, Tracy and her two brother has a rough time at an early age, when she is 12 their mother committed suicide.

Replacing their mother duty is their father, but unfortunately He is not a great mother, He need to learn to be a mother because when they are growing up, it has always been their mother who take care of them and she was an excellent mother, said Tracy.

Though Thomas says he doesn’t feel he was born in the wrong body, he does remember being a tomboy. “I liked to play with LEGOs and go fishing,” he says.

A few years later, Tracy hit puberty and began to realize something was different. “I started to grow breasts, and it was kind of a shock to me because I didn’t have my mother around,” Thomas says. “I was just used to catching footballs and balls, and so it hurt. I just kind of thought, ‘What’s my body going through? Is it betraying me?’

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S.Korean girl removes makeup after two years

Did you know you can have makeup permanently tattooed onto your skin to avoid the annoying habit of taking it off every night before you go to bed?

No one told 20 year old Dal Mi Bae, who has received irreparable skin damage after wearing skin makeup every day for two years without taking it off.

Discovering a love for makeup at the age of 14, Dal Mi Bae of South Korea religiously applied makeup to her face without ever taking it off.

“I wanted to look perfect at all time. I even slept with the makeup on”
Adding insult to injury, she also wanted to get plastic surgery in a number of places.

Encouraged by her mother and thanks to a variety show, Bae was finally convinced dermatologists to remove the makeup.

Once she had undergone a checkup, it was revealed that her skin looks twice as old as she really is.

More picture of here :
Dal mie bae Picture

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Bollywood Celebrity kidnapped!!

A young Bollywood actress, Meenakshi Thapar, was allegedly kidnapped and later beheaded by two actors in an attempt to extort 1,500,000 Rupees.
Thapar, 26, appeared in the Indian horror film “404″ where she met two aspiring actors who reportedly killed her on the set of her new movie “Heroine,” The Telegraph reports.

“Amit Jaiswal, 36, and his lover Preeti Surin, allegedly decided to kidnap Ms. Thapar after listening to her boast about her family’s wealth and status in Dehra Dun, in the Himalayan foothills of northern India.”
The Telegraph states that the two actors invited her on a trip with them to Gorakhpur — a small town close to India’s border with Nepal — where they held her hostage and demanded 1,500,000 Rupees from Thapar’s parents.
Although her mother paid 60,000 Rupees, Thapar was killed shortly after.
“She was strangled to death, beheaded, and her body was dumped at two different sites as her killers made their way back to Mumbai. Her torso was dumped in a water tank and her head thrown out of the bus window in a bag on the road to Mumbai,” The Telegraph writes.
Jaiswal and Surin were caught and reportedly confessed to the murder.

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Farmer forces wife to torch herself

In a gruesome incident of dowry harassment in Trichy, about 300km from Chennai, a farmer forced his wife to torch herself in front of their seven year old son.

The man had allegedly threatened to burn the child alive if she refused, the child grandparents, accompanied by the boy, handed a petition to the district officer to seek police action against Kamala Hassan, from Gandhi Nagar.

It is reported that his daughter S.Buvaneswari, 30, was forced by kamala to set her self ablaze.

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Man dies in car crash after giving wife romantic card

A 31 year old man who presented his wife a card the partly read “”I will love you till i die” during their romanticsecond wedding anniversary celebration on Monday was killed the next day in a car crash.

Ariffin Hamzah car skidded into a six metre deep ravine at Km 242.3 of the southbound North-South Expressway. The incident happened at about 7.30am on Tuesday, while the victim was travelling to work in Alor Gajah, Malacca, from his home in Senawang, Negri Sembilan.

He left behind his wife Haliza Hashim, 28, and their nine month old son Izqarin Wafi.

Sister in law Nornomi Mad Som recalled that the last time she saw Ariffin was at a family gathering last Sunday at her mother house in kampong Taboh Naning, near Alor Gajah.

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Player dies after collapsing on field

An Indian football player died after collapsing on the field during a local league game in the southern city of Bangalore.

D. Venkatesh, a 27 year old midfielder for Bangalore District Football Association A Division match against the South Western Railway club.

Domestic media reported Thursday that there was no ambulance avalaible and Venkatesh was taken to the Hosmat Hospital on Wednesday in a three wheel auto rickshaw.

Preliminary post-moterm reports suggested cardiac arrest was the cause of death.

The time of India newspaper quoted Dr. Ajith Benedict Royan of Hosmat Hospital as saying there were no external injuries and attributing the cause to ‘’Sudden Death Syndrome’’ 

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Boy strangled for having the same name as a man

A Young Indian boy in Utter Pradesh has been killed, allegedly due to sharing his name with a man who belongs to a higher caste.
Neeraj Kumar, the 14-year-old son of Ram Sumer and member of the Dalit caste, was found murdered in a field after leaving the evening prior to watch TV at a friend’s house. He was apparently strangled.

Jawahar Chaudhary, who belongs to a higher caste, has reportedly been attempting to get Neeraj’s father, Ram Sumer, to change his sons’s names, as they were the same as Chaudhary’s sons.

Two friends of Chadhary’s sons.
Two friends of Chaudhary have been arrested, while his two sons, Neeraj and Dheeraj, are now missing.
Chaudhary claims that the police are framing his family for murder.
Apparently, the name struggle has been an issue for quite sometimes, despite the fact that caste discrimination is illegal. Dalits are also known as untouchables, the lowest caste in the Hindu caste system.

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A man killed over a video game.

A man Has been stabbed to death in Manila following a row between two groups of men playing the popular shooting video game “Counter-Strike’.
The quarrel between the men playing the game in which gamers playing either terrorists or anti-terror officers try to kill their opponents erupted in an internet café, police investigator Noel Ibanez said.
The teams had bet 300 pesos (US 7.15) on the outcome of their competition on Monday, but when one side won an argument broke out over payment.
A member of the winning team, still angry over the dispute, later followed losing player Eric Cristobal to his home and stabbed him to death.
Internet cafes are popular in the Philippines,  mainly among young people who pack into play computer games, often for hours on end.
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