Monthly Archives: February 2012

Erykah Badu Tatto insult Muslim : Concert got cancelled.

Many are surprised to hear the news that was announced a while ago about Erykah Bady Concert cancellation. Cancellation is possible because Erykah Badu debauched sensitivities of Islam. This is all because she has tattoos of Allah on her body.

For the record, many people who objected the decision to cancel the Erykah Badu concert on Twitter and Facebook. And there are also those who supported this action. What is your opinion?
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True Food Kitchen : Wealthy banker insult Waiter.

An insult from the 1% to the 99% in this case a banker to a waiter. This news has gone viral and has been going around the internet says that a wealthy banker insult a waiters by giving a  $1.33 tip on a $133 lunch at the True Food Kitchen restaurant in Newport Beach, California. And to make things worse, an insulting message is left for server Breanna: “Get a real job.”

Insult from Banker to Waiter

What do does the number got to do with them? Well for those of you guys who dint know. 99% represent the common people, with common job and low salary. And the other 1% represent the professional people, with professional job and high salary….literally…

Anyway, Going back to the main issue here. What does make this issue appear at the first place? is the issue of the 1% are claimed to stomp upon the 99%? or is it really what a waiter deserved when he/she present a very bad service?
                                                Does having the advantage of higher income give you the advantages to leave such insult? the community are really backing up the waiter and blaming the banker by posting reply on social media such as Facebook saying unpleasent thing such as  
As posted on the Trending now Facebook page.

Lets leave the fact of the 99% and 1% behind. Come to think of it, an insult does not come if there no issue causing it to happen. Sure the news saying that a Banker leaves insult to a waiter comes out and most of the people will believe everything they read. But is there any news telling what the waiter do to the costumer comes out? try Google search….NONE!!

And guess what? all of those story you were led to believed is all a hoax and has been confirmed by True food Kitchen them self through their Facebook Page.

Their Statement are as follow : 
“We’re glad to respond to the news stories about a tipping incident at True Food Kitchen in Newport Beach. Our first concern is with our staff, we are very fortunate to have employees that are talented, bright, and undoubtedly, some of the best in the business.
We’re also glad to be able to clear up some misinformation regarding the incident at True Food Kitchen in Newport Beach. The receipt that was originally posted on the blog, Future Ex Banker, and then republished by various websites, was, in fact, altered and exaggerated. We can also assure you that the receipt was not posted and altered by anyone on behalf of True Food Kitchen. We respect our guests’ privacy and take it very seriously; we would never share personal information.”
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Brandon Morgan Facebook picture controversy.

Gay relationship is strictly forbidden in the United States Marine army. Well at least 5 month ago, whereby the  military’s ban on openly gay service expired.
Brandon Morgan posted a picture on Facebook showing two man (He and his partner) kissing publicly. The picture goes viral and 15000 people and counting are liking those picture.
And of course, both negative and positive comments appear, sum up to 600+ comments in the past 12 hours. Not all are pleasing thus Brandon Morgan reply are as follows.

“To everyone who has responded in a positive way. My partner and I want to say thank you. Dalan, the giant in the photo, can’t believe how many shares and likes we have gotten on this. We didn’t do this to get famous,or something like that we did this cause after 3 deployments and four years knowing each other, we finally told each other how we felt. As for the haters, let em hate…to quote Kat Williams, everyone needs haters, so let them hate. We are the happiest we have ever been and as for the whole PDA and kissing slash hugging in uniform…it was a homecoming, if the Sergeants Major, Captains, Majors, and Colonels around us didn’t care…then why do you care what these random people have to say? In summation thank you for your love and support. I received a lot of friend requests off this. I don’t just accept requests so if your request was because of this post message me and let me know. Goodnight all, and Semper Fi.” –Brandon Morgan

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Chandra Bahadur Dangi the new world shortest man.

The Guinness World Records has stated another records of the world smallest man in history, he is an 72 year old man who originates from NepalThe previous title holder are Junrey Balawing which is a Filipino teen with the height of 60cm tall.
Source said that his other five brothers are in a normal condition, and doctor stated that he dont have any health records.

Full name : Chandra Bahadur Dangi

Age : 72 years old
From : Rhimkholi, Nepal
Fact : 
  • Chandra was given two certificates, one for being the world’s shortest living man and the world’s shortest person recorded in Guinness’ history.
  • Chandra has a normal sized head and regularly shaves, but his body is incredibly small.

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Joanna Ramos died in a school fight over a boy.

Joanna Ramos an 11 year old fifth grader at Willard Elementary School died Friday in the hospital after complaining of a headache.
Friday, after school two girls and 7 other girls went to an ally where they planned to have a fight.
The fight are caused over a boy, it is just plain stupid Several days later during an after-school program she complaints about headache and urged to see her supervisor. Her supervisor and then called her parents before she is rushed into a hospital.

Ramos was unconscious and not breathing when family members took her to the hospital at about 5:50 p.m., according to police. She was rushed into surgery but pronounced dead three hours later.

Outside Willard Elementary School, friends left balloons, candles, stuffed animals, flowers and letters to Ramos.

For iepov we thought that this is just plain stupid, having a fight over a boy? this shows that ego inside kids nowadays is killing us. Today they fight over a boy, what would had happen in the future? our generation is screwed. Well in this case, the American generation.

Those kids involved should get what they deserve, not to punish them, just to teach them and any other kids a lesson.
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Ben & Jerry’s Lin-Sanity Controversial Ice Cream Flavour.

First of all for all of you guys who don’t know, Ben & Jerry’s is an ice cream company that produce various type of ice cream product to be distribute to mostly on the american market. And Jeremy Lin is a basketball player that has become quite popular nowadays, since he is the first Asian-American who are in the NBA.

Ben & Jerry’s has made a Jeremy Lin Inspired Ice Cream with the slogan printed outside the Ice Cream Cup ”Taste the Lin-Sanity”. 

Lin-Sanity Ice Cream featured vanilla frozen yogurt, honey swirls and bits of fortune cookies, the latter ingredient serving as an obvious nod to Lin’s heritage. But of course after Ben & Jerry’s realized the community are not that satisfy with the elements of racism in their new product, the company pulled the cookies from the mix and replaced them with waffle cone pieces that will be served on the side.

Many has claimed by putting fortune cookies in the cup  an act of racism to most of the Asian, especially Chinese. Since Jeremy Lin is a Chinese. 

By replacing waffles instead of fortune cookies is indeed the ways to overcome the community perspective towards Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream product and the image of the whole company itself. Furthermore waffles does goes better with ice cream that fortune cookies 😛

And of course Ben & Jerry’s denied the claimed they have elements of racism in their product, and stated that the main reason for removing the fortune cookies was because they got soggy inside the batch.

For iepov, we don’t see any harm on doing so, we are pretty sure that Ben & Jerry’s doesn’t meant to be racist. For all of you who don’t know what they are trying to do, it is called Marketing.
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Leicester Square Station incident : Women pushed down the rail.

Brutal attack on a woman caught by CCTV are  published in the BBC documentary Tube recently received wide coverage and a criminal case is under investigation authorities.In the recordings that occurred at 11:20 pm on 
16 September last year saw a 23-year-old woman suddenly attacked by an unknown man when he walked on a side walk on the Leicester Square Station.

The atmosphere on the pedestrian path seemed quite busy and suddenly the man who runs against her push her ​​down into railways.

The man responsible for the incident are caught by the victim boyfriend, but still he still fighting to get away and hurt the woman.

Fortunately the women is saved by the people who are waiting for their train before any train pass by.

British Transport Police, Detective Fin Egan said the man’s actions are suspicious and may be japrodize the lives of the women.

“This is a most dangerous and reckless act that may cause the victims lost their lives,” he was quoted from the Daily Chilli.

The police continued the investigation after the dismantling of the video and urged anyone who witnessed the incident to come forward to provide additional information for the criminal case.

CCTV VIDEO : from Leicester Square Station
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Strange way to paint [Picture Included]

Art can be expressed in some various way, and of course the more strange the way it is done the more value it has in it. These few man and women has proved that Painting is more that just…well…painting…it is more that that. 
Here at iepov we had compile 10 way how a paint can be done.  Be warned some of these graphic may not be suitable for some people.

A group of artists in the Ukraine paints underwater

Millie Brown who uses vomit

Chris Trueman who uses dead ants

Vinicius Quesada who uses human blood

Kira Ayn Varszegi who uses her breasts

Hong Yi  who paints with basketballs

Ani K licks who paints with his tongue

Val Thompson  who uses human ashes

Xiang Chen who uses his eye

Australian Tim Patch who paints with his penis

It is amazing how those these few people do what their do best,
So next time you want to paint a picture, you may consider these other alternative just to add up the value of creativity in it. 🙂
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Apotheosis : Grows 6 inch taller through Limb-surgery.

What would you do if you are not that person that you wanted to be? what would you do to satisfy yourself and what would you do to change all that?
That whats been going around in 37-year-old New Yorker mind, who goes by the pseudonym “Apotheosis” in online forums and asked that “20/20” not use his real name. 

You must be thinking, why dont they just accept the fact that god made them this way for a reason? why dont they just bear with it and live with it? These question is some of the various question ask by their family and friends, but nevertheless it will never let them down and pursuing their wish to grow a little bit taller.

Dr. Dror Paley, is a well known sugeon at the Paley Institute at St. Mary’s Medical Center in West Palm Beach, Fla., performed 650 leg-lengthening surgeries last year.
Most of Paley’s patients have severe deformities or dwarfism, but he also sees cosmetic patients.

How easy it may sounds like, this type of procedure only can be done by a very few doctors in the united states, including Parley.

“When I walk down the street a different person perceived differently by the world for the rest of my life, you know, I am who I want to be now,” he said.
He chose the moniker Apotheosis, he said, because “it means to become godlike — become the best you can be. It’s a Greek word.”
“And that’s kind of what I want? And I am not trying to be godlike; I am trying to be the best me that I can be.”

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SNSD Exposed??

Recent news says that the Nude picture of the SNSD girl is circulating around the internet. It is the second time in two year the SNSD girl is being related to these nude picture scandal.
Unfortunately for all of those ‘people’ who are looking forward for the picture out there, the picture is clearly a  fake. After it(picture) is widely spread on the internet SNSD alleged a police report to find who is the person behind all this controversy.

And guess what? kpopstarz website reported that a 53-year-old government employee, only identified as “G”. The police reported that “G” used his office computer during work hours last December to upload photo-shopped images of half-naked SNSD members. In the images, the girls are seen wearing the Korean traditional Han Bok, but their bottom parts are skilfully cropped out for naked photos instead. 

However, the accused testified that he was not responsible for producing the actual photo, as he only uploaded it after downloading it from other online communities. 

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