Monthly Archives: November 2011

3 Trick Google search bar

Greeting, on our previous post, we had shown your a very simple trick that you can do with Facebook.( Read Here, ) today we would like to share to you guys 3 more trick, but not on Facebook, but tricks that you can do with Google Browser, when you got nothing better to do try these simple trick to let the time fly.

Trick 1 : Type ” do a barrel roll ” di Google search bar
*Your search page wil trun 360 degree.

Trick 2 : Type ” Tilt ” di Google search bar
*Your search page will lean.

Trick 3 :  Play snake on youtube.

Not on google browser but on youtube

While waiting for your video to load, try to move the buffering flash by using the navigation key.
*This trick can only be done on

Selamat Berbrowsing ๐Ÿ™‚

Wisdom word for today
“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” 
— George Bernard Shaw 

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3 Facebook Trick : For Dummy : By Dummy

Most of the people spend almost 80 percent their time online by being on the Facebook, so to spice thing up a little bit, we had gathered 3 several Facebook trick that is easy to perform, it is so easy even a dummy can do it, so check it out, Facebook trick for dummy, by dummy.

Trick 1: Want to know how jack sparrow Facebook would look like??try this simple trick!!ARR!!

Trick 2:Who remove you??you dont know?now you know ..

Trick 3: Tell everybody you have a brand new phone by posting your status update using this cool application!!i phone?BB?well not!!
Update Here!!
*Copyrights IEPOV
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Weakest soccer team in the world

Spain, Netherlands, England, German, Brazil, Portugal, these few country mention are all some big name in the international soccer scene, they don’t need any introduction, everyone know who are them, and how good they actually, but forget about them, lets look on what country that are usually on the bottom of the food chain, on the other word, the weakest soccer team in the world.

So here it is, the country who owns the most weakest soccer team, American Samoa.

American Samoa V.s Australia 32 – 0

Aso read :
Malay Troll
Make-Up Transformation
Generate 4k A Month

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what is the weakest soccer team
Amrican Samoa Soccer team
The most weakest ever

Troll Melayu

Ia adalah sketsa lucu yang dihasilkan menggunakan karekter lucu, lukisan  yang lucu dan jalan cerita yang lucu, boleh dikatakan keseluruhan cerita ini adalah ‘Epic’, tapi….tunggu…..comic rage versi melayu??…

Itu dia sebahagian daripada comik rage berbahasa melayu, by ๐Ÿ™‚
*Tungguuuu banyak lagi nanti ๐Ÿ™‚
*copyrights iepov.blogspot
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Malaysia Won against Indonesia.

Last night (17/Nov), Malaysia national soccer team with the title Harimau Malaya has won a match with 1-0 score that will determine the Group A overall champion against The Indonesia national soccer team the Garuda’s. Thus after defeating the Garuda’s, Harimau Malaya face the Myanmar National team and The Garudas will face the Vietnam national Team, Both for the Semi-Finals match.

Overview :

  • Malaysian winning Goals are contributed by Shahrul Azhari.
  • khairul Fahmi performs a very good showmanship keeping Malaysian goal post safe.
  • Kim Swee (Harimau Malaya Coach) is ordered to leave the field because of the constant objection he made to the match referee.  

Fifa Ranking
FIFA (World ranking) Ranked Malaysia   : 151 
FIFA (Zonal Ranking) Ranked Malaysia  :  27 
FIFA (World ranking) Ranked Indonesia  : 147 
FIFA (Zonal Ranking) Ranked Indonesia  : 21 

Make-up Transformation

Mens have their own car accessories, Kids have their own set of Video Games, A teenager have their sophisticated gadget, and Women have their own set of Make Up
Make up is indeed a powerful tools for Women, it can literally change a women appearance inside-out, well at least the out side part of a women face. But sometimes/usually make-up can transform a women into being somebody different than who they are at the first place.

Some refer to it as Fake, some refer to it as an art, whatever it is make up is a ‘must have’ tool for every women.
(Read more to See more make-up transformation picture)

What do you say to that? Leave your comment in the comment section bellow.

We are not here to judge, we are here to share knowledge ๐Ÿ™‚

Also Read :

Generate 4k a month!!

Free promotional tools!! (submit your link now!!)

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Related Search
makeup before and after transformation / asian make up / make up secret / makeup games / makeup tutorials /celebrity makeup / makeup pictures

Blogging and generate 4k a month!!

4k a month just by blogging?? you might wonder is it actually impossible?? is it achievable?? that is like the most ”un-real” thing that i ever heard. I mean, just by sitting your ass in front of a computer you are able to generate a large amount of money. We are talking about 4k here, that is a month of hard work working your ass in and out of an ordinary office.

Well if you ask me about it my answer would be Yes!! it is possible to generate such income a month, just by sitting infront of your computer and managing your blog, there are several bloggers that has has proved  this is actually possible, 4k a month is common for them, it might go up to 5,6 or even 7k. Blogger such as Faisal Abdullah and Cik Epal which is the admin of 2day Blogger and Cik Epal : Personal Blog has been generating average 4k a month just by managing a very informative website
* 2Day Blogger : Monthly Income Screenshot
 *Cik Epal has been running a personal blog this is one of her Monthly earning Screenshot.
Other blogger that has been succesfully generating a large amount of income through this blogging activities are : * Mohd Faizul of
And Total Earning for so far are :
(accumulated since 2010)
Im Not quite there yet but im on my way ๐Ÿ˜€
For any of you guys who wishes to generate this type of income to your site, dont give up, keep on motivating yourself, and work hard to earn what you desired to. ๐Ÿ™‚ 
Happy Reading,
-Ekkem Spark ๐Ÿ™‚
Also Read,

Real Life Superheroes

‘Superheroes’, is a term originally used to represent comic books character, such as superman, spiderman and batman, dedicated to protecting the public. These comic book character has been influencing its reader to become like them, super strong(superman), super human(spiderman), super smart(captain america), super fast(The flash) or even super rich(batman).

Believe it or not, there are some of these comic book fanatic that are actually going around and acting like any of these comic book superheroes, they are called ‘Real Life Superheroes’ they have their own names, their own costumes their own territory, their own weapon and skills, in belief to protect the community that they thought is a fucked-up community.  

Real life superheroes is just an ordinary people, they take this issue for real, they are dedicated to what they do, its a hobby for most people, and eventually they turn themself into it passionately, and they are also doing good deeds for the community at the same time.

Extreme Justice League (XJL)
Mr Extreme
* Form the extreme justice league

Territory : San Diego, CA.

Working as : Security Guard

Inspired by : Power Rangers

A member of : Extreme Justic League.

โ€œthe thing that really made me get involved in this is that I myself have been a victim of violent crime and have also come from a struggling background. Iโ€™ve been jumped by gang members, bullied at schoolโ€ฆ,โ€
Mr Extreme

The Vigilante Spider

Territory : San Diego, CA

Working as : Unknown.

A member of : Extreme Justic League.

Inspired by : Spiderman.

”I have been tazed before, it is unpleasant”
– Urban Avanger 

Urban Avanger

Territory : San Diego, CA

Working as : Unknown.

A member of : Extreme Justic League.

Inspired by : Spiderman.

“Primarily I am a crime fighter but I believe in helping out wherever and whenever I possibly can. The world cannot change if we do not contribute somewhere. The mask means nothing if the man behind it does not act.” – Urban Avenger

The New York Initiative

Territory : Brooklyn, New York.

Working as : Unknown.

All member of  : The New York innitiative.
(Zimmer, Z , T.S.A.F , Lucid)
Inspired by : Random.

“i care about  humanity, i care about the fact that the government are corrupt, i care about the face that the police are corrupt” – Zimmer

Rain City Superhero Movement
Phoenix Jones
Territory : San Diego, CA

Working as : Unknown.

Leader of : Rain City Superhero Movement.

Inspired by : Batman.

Zeta Man

Territory : Portland, OR.

Working as : Unknown.

Member of : Independent.

Inspired by : Superman & Zorro.

“Superman & Zorro are the biggest inspiration for me”
-Zeta Man

Professor Midnight

Territory : Salt Lake City, UT

Working as : Teacher.

Member of : Black Monday Society.

Inspired by : The shadow, Green Hornet & the Question.

“I see a lot of evil out there”
-Professor Midnight

So there you go some of the Real Life Superheroes, there are actually hundreds of them protecting peace and trying to fix their community, in belief that someday people will step in the right direction.
We should really do support people that do good things, contributing to the community, some of them might think that these people are crazy but at the end what there are actually doing is good. And Should be appreciated.

So what do you think about them? obsess? fanatic? lunatic? or these are just good people.
Leave your comment in the section below ๐Ÿ˜€
Also Read :

Who Own Google

Yours Truly,
Ekram Mahat ๐Ÿ™‚

Also Try What kind of superhero are you >>Here<<

Remove Attribution

*Situated at the bottom of your page*

1. Dashboard >>> Template >>> Edit HTML >>> Expand Widget

2. Search [ CTRL + F ]

<b:widget id=’Attribution1′ locked=’true‘ title=” type=’Attribution’> 

3. Change ‘true‘ into ‘false

4. Save template

5. Dashboard >>> Layout >>> Delete edit attribution

6. Save arrangement

Richest man in the world(2011)

Who is 2011 world most Richest man? according to the World most richest man (2010) Carlos Slim Helu Lead The packs by being the richest man of the world in 2010, with the wealth recorded up to $53.5 billion. In the year 2011, what does the ranks looks like?

1.Carlos Slim Helu

*chairman and chief executive of telecommunications companies Telmex and Amรฉrica Mรณvil

Age : 71
Nationality : Mexican
Net Worth :  $74 B
2.Bill Gates
*chairman of Microsoft
Age : 56
Nationality : United States
Net Worth : $56 B
3.Warren Buffett
*CEO of Berkshire Hathaway
Age : 81
Nationality : United States
Net Worth  : $41 B
4.Bernard Arnault
*CEO of the French conglomerate LVMH
Age : 62
Nationality : France
Net Worth : $41 B
5.Larry Ellison

* chief executive officer of Oracle Corporation
Age : 67 
Nationality : United States
Net Worth : $39.5 B
Notice any changes throughout the year??…
Random quotes*
~Money is not everything,But it sure can buy you alot of things.
~Money cant buy you happiness……..are you sure???…
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