Monthly Archives: December 2010

2010 world most well known person.

Since it is the end of the year IEPOV have done some research on ‘who is the most famous person of 2010’. Many must be wandering who is this well known person throughout the year. Why is he/she so famous about?what actually that he/she had done?So who is the most famous person of 2010?is it a man or a women?is it a celebrity?an actress??a politican?or just famous criminal?…….


Yes the world most famous person goes to The U.S President Barrack Obama.Here is some several fact about him.

A native of Honolulu, Hawaii.
-Graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School.
President of the Harvard Law Review.
Was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree.
Selected as the 44th President of America that took place on January 20, 2009.
Obama issued executive orders in his first few days in office and presidential memorable directing the U.S. military to develop plans to withdraw troops from Iraq.
Ordered the closing of the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. He ordered, ” as soon as practicable and no later than January 2010″.
He is the first black politician that holds the title President in United States history.

There you go a short and simple summary about the 2010 world most famous figure. Do you agree that the president Obame being the world most famous person of 2010?do you have your own opinion?what you say?Dont hesitate to drop off your comments 😀


Check out my new recently lunched blog SelaluSahaja.

Also check out our other related post 

Source/references :
Yours Truly,
~Hannah.K 😀


Berblogging adalah satu perkara yang mencabar kepada semua orang.Untuk membina sebuah blog yang baik seseorang blogger itu haruslah menguasai ilmu2 blogging,fahami konsep berblogging dan mempraktiknya di dalam membuat blog,dan yang paling penting di dalam berblogging adalah untuk menjana traffik sebanyak yang mungkin.Ramai blogger yang masih kebingungan dalam meraih traffik ke blog/website mereka, dengan itu banyaklah sumber2 termasuk tips2 berblogging dan selok belok dunia blogging yang disediakan oleh ”blogger ke blogger” diantarannya yang dilakukan oleh 2dayblogger ……….

2dayblogger ialah sebuah website yang sudah dikenali ramai,dan telah berjaya meraih jutaan pembaca seterusnya telah mencatatkan jumlah lawatan pelawat yang amat banyak,selain memberi banyak informasi2 berguna 2dayblogger juga telah banyak banyak membantu para pembacanya untuk memahami konsep berblogging,dari meningkatkan traffik ke selok belok memahami konsep NUFFNANG .Informasi yang dikongsi sangatlah berguna untuk dipraktikkan oleh blogger2 kerana semua fakta2 yang dinyatakan mempunyai asas yang kukuh disertakan bukti.Jika anda ingin membaca tutorial artial daripada 2dayblogger anda boleh mengaksesnya di sini…..
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Entry ini dibuat khas untuk 15736 VISITOR SEMINGGU BLOG 2DAYBLOGGER.COM CONTEST. yang dianjurkan oleh 😀

Yang Benar,

~ekkem 😀

Anda juga mungkin meminati Kenapa blog sy tak sepopular blog Hanis Zulaikha @ miss epal!!!

Kenapa blog ‘saya’ tidak popular macam Hanis Zalikha @ Cik Epal!!!!!

Nota* Disebabkan perbincangan yang diadakan didalam Bahasa Malaysia entry kali ini ditulis menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia juga. 😀

(Topik Asal!!!)
Pihak Iepov Telah tertarik dengan satu tajuk entry yang dibuka oleh 2DayBlogger iaitu ‘Mengapa blog tidak popular macam  Hanis ZalikhaCik Epal‘. Dua Blog yang telah disebut tadi telah mencecah pupularitinya dengan mencatatkan angka visitor yang begitu banyak sekali. Dan baru2 ni kecoh kluar brita di Harian Metro yang Hanis Zalikha menjadi top carian kat Google dan mendahului Dato Siti Norhaliza. Penulis 2DayBlogger telah membuat jemputan secara terbuka kepada blogger2 lain untuk memberikan pendpat kepada beberapa persoalan yang bermain di minda para blogger sekalian.

-Penting ke populariti itu kepada blog?
-Kesan populariti kepada blog.
-Bagaimana populariti boleh meningkatkan traffic blog?
-bagaimana nak jadi Popular?

Penting ke populariti itu kepada blog?
-Sememangnya populariti amat penting di dalam mempromosikan sesebuah blog ataupun website.Samada populariti disumbang daripada blog itu sendiri ataupun daripada penulisnya. Cuba fikirkan kembali,mengapa anda mengunjungi sesebuah blog/website?adakah penulisnya cantik?adakah hasil tulisannya bagus?adakah anda hanya ingin meningkatkan jumlah traffic dengan meninggalkan ayat2 ‘touch n go’ seperti “Singgah :D”,”Lawat awak”, “Follow u,Follow me Back” di shoutmix mereka tanpa membaca entry mereka?Dengan harapan mereka datang kembali?.Kesimpulannya pihak Iepov bersetuju atas dasar dimana Populariti adalah amat penting kepada blog,Pihak Iepov juga sentiasa berusaha untuk meningkatkan populariti kami dengan pelbagai cara.Contohnya membuat video promosi rasmi IEPOV,dan juga sejak beberapa bulan yang lalu Pihak Iepov juga telah berusaha mempromosikan blog kami di pasaran luar,contohnya U.s dan Eropah(IEPOV adalah sebuah Blog Berbahasa Inggeris) Namun untuk menembusi pasaran tersebut amatlah sukar bagi blog yang tidak seberapa ini,namun Iepov tetap dapat meraih populariti daripada pasaran Malaysia kerana kami tahu blogger2 di Malaysia ini menyokong di antara satu sama lain,Sehinggakan hari ini kami tidak berputus asa untuk meningkat populariti blog.Kesimpulannya Populariti amatlah penting untuk sesebuah blog/website tidak kisah ia datang dari mana2 sumber.Asalkan ia boleh membuatkan orang melawat blog/web anda ia sudah cukup bagus!Dengan itu kuasailah ilmi meraih populariti,jadilah blogger yang kreatif dalam meraih populariti 😀

Kesan populariti kepada blog/Bagaimana populariti boleh meningkatkan traffic blog?
Sememangnya populariti memberikan kesan kepada sesebuah blog.Kalau sesebuah blog tidak popular tidaklah ada orang yang akan melawat blog tersebut.Meraih populariti adalah satu unsur yang amat penting sekali di dalam membangunkan sebuah blog/web.Kerana populariti itu menyumbang kepada orang melawat blog/web kita dan ini menyumbang kepada traffic.Ini adalah satu unsur yang harus setiap blogger harus faham dan kuasai.Jadi IEPOV telah memberikan satu rumus mudah untuk difahami.

Kesimpulannya : POPULAR = PENTING!!!

bagaimana nak jadi Popular?
Banyak cara tentang bagaimana sesebuah blog/web itu boleh ‘mempopularkan’ blog/web mereka contohnya -bekerjasama dengan blogger lain,’Link Exchange’BlogWalking’ etc….
-membuat promosi blog contohnya IEPOV telah melancarkan video promosi
-Sentiasa meninggalkan BackLinks ketika memberi komen.
-Dan banyak juga video2 di you tube yang mengajar cara2 mempromosikan blog contohnya Lisa Traffic Secret.

Dan apa yang dicoretkan di atas adalah pendapat dan pandangan daripada pihak kami terhadap topik yang dikemukakan oleh  2DayBlogger .Terpulang sama anda untuk setuju ataupun tidak.Jika ada silap dan salah jangan teragak-agak untuk menegur kami.Marilah kita bersama-sama bertukar-tukar ilmu.Apa kata anda?? 😀

>>>>Lawat ke Topik Asal!!!

P/s kalau pembaca perasaan ini adalah entry Bahasa Malaysia yang pertama di blog IEPOV. 😀

Yang Benar,
~ekkem 😀

Straight Bizzare!!!!!

Ok guys today….as usual….another day had pass by and the IEPOV blog need a new entry in our blog.So after browsing along for blog content we have stumble upon this increadible news about this Faceless man.And it is quite sad to know there are actually people who are unfortunate to have that kind of condition. Also comes with,the tree man,ordinary twins and such.So the iepov team had decided to share the information with our readers.

The Tree Man.

32 year old dede has suffered this weird condition since he cut his legs when he is still a teenager. It is a horrible condition to live on but still the so called diseased didnt killed him(yet??).So Dede the tree man join the local circus to make money.But now new hope has emerged for Dede after an American dermatology expert flew out to his home village south of the capital Jakarta.Well as most of all Asian know Indonesia is full of voodoo and such maybe dede is one of the voodoo victim.well….who knows…

<<<(32 year old dede with his daughter)…

Man With No Face.

Jose Mestre, from Lisbon, Portugal, has been losing his face to a huge growth for the past 35 years, distorting it out of all recognition – and it’s still growing.The tumor on 51-year-old Jose’s face is a collection of blood vessels that have expanded, producing a raised red area on the skin.Jose was born with a strawberry-coloured birthmark on his upper lip. At puberty it began growing, eventually smothering his lips, nose and one of his eyes. Now it is 33cm long and weighs 3kg.

(jose when he was 14).
Spider Sisters.

 Ganga and Jamuna Necha are joined at the pelvis and get around walking, crablike, on their hands and two shared legs.They has joined the circus to support 20 other family members.They were given the chance to be saperated and live normal but they refuse and saying ”we are happy with the way god has made us”.

<<<<Ganga and Jamuna Necha perform on a circus show.
World Most Smallest Kid.

Jyoti Amge, an 58-cm-long Achondroplasia Dwarfism Girl in India, Is World’s Smallest Teen Girl (Pictures).Jyoti Amge, 15, just about 59.69 cm in height and 5.25 kg in weight, is the world’s smallest girl recognized by the Indian Book of Records. Jyoti Amge from Nagpur of central India, has a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia [wiki]. According to mum Ranjana,there seemed nothing wrong at Jyoti’s birth, but they came to know about her disorder when she was five. Now fully grown, Amge who won’t grow any taller than her current height, enjoys her life with full confidence for the future.


8 year old Kumar Pashwan has been living with 7 other limbs due to his parasitic twins that has stopped developing.Some consider Pashwan as the look alike of the Multi-limb god Lakshmi and some consider him as a monster and then is forced to hide away because of his astonishing medical condition.

Freaky??….looking at this pictures made me want to thank god everyday because allowing me to live as normal as possible…..May god bless them all….

Note-Why does most of the weird story of the world can be found around asia country??…..

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BlogLarian an efficient method for BlogWalking!!!


Ok this might appear a little bit to late when everybody had made entries about the BL weeks ago….well anyway….  i have been using the ‘BlogWalking’ method to improve my blog traffic, and usually half of the day on doing this i got almost 200 plus traffic. But recently, i have been tagged by Mahsidi to join these wonderful way to BW. and it has increased my amount of traffic, after a few test discussion we have decided to join this in order to be listed as one of the blog in the site.But before that!!!we are required to complete some survey,so here goes…..

1)  “Saya suka berblogwalking kerana ia membantu saya untuk berBW dengan lebih effective dan efficient,dan ia direka dengan penuh mesra pengguna sekali….” (skema la plak xD) 

2)  We are required to tag three other blogger, and here goes….


Ok guys what are you waiting for??lets start lari lari blog @ Bloglarian
Yours truly,
~ekkem 😀

Top 5 most watchable cartoon(All-Time).

                                   (The best 40 cartoon character of All-Time)

             Thousands of cartoon made every year, and some has reach its popularity by being funny,cute and cudly. It has influence its viewer in many ways.After doing several research and considering from thousand of cartoon list we have selected 5 of them to be listed.With its unique character created, these cartoon listed below has been remembered as the world most watchable and remembered cartoon.

Sponge bob

 SpongeBob SquarePants (often referred to simply as SpongeBob) is an American animated television series, created by marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg. Much of the series centers on the exploits and adventures of the title character and his various friends in the underwater city “Bikini Bottom”. The series’ popularity has prompted the release of a media franchise, contributing to its position as Nickelodeon’s highest rated show, the most distributed property of MTV Networks, and among Nicktoons’ most-watched shows.

The simpsons

The Simpsons is an American animated television series created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical parody of a working-class American lifestyle epitomized by its family of the same name, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The show is set in the fictional city of Springfield, and lampoons American culture, society, television and many aspects of the human condition.
Tom and Jerry

om and Jerry is an American animated series of theatrical shorts, television shows and specials, feature film, home films created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer that centered on a never-ending rivalry between a cat (Tom) and a mouse (Jerry) whose chases and battles often involved comic violence.Tom and Jerry has a worldwide audience that consists of children, teenagers and adults, and has also been recognized as one of the most famous and longest-lived rivalries in American cinema. In 2000, TIME named the series one of the greatest television shows of all time.

Mickey Mouse Club.

The Mickey Mouse Club is a long-running American variety television show that began in 1955, produced by Walt Disney Productions and televised by the ABC, featuring a regular but ever-changing cast of teenage performers. The Mickey Mouse Club was created by Walt Disney. The series has been revived, reformatted and re imagined several times since its initial 1955–1959 run on ABC.

The Flinstone.

The Flintstones is an animated American television sitcom that ran from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966 on ABC. Produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, The Flintstones is about a working class Stone Age man’s life with his family and his next door neighbor and best friend. Its popularity rested heavily on its juxtaposition of modern-day concerns in the Stone Age setting.

There are also cartoon that come from asia that made name for them self such as. Doreamon, Goku, Naruto and so much more.
5 of the world most watchable cartoon(all-time). Do you have your own favorite cartoon show??why dont you share it to us 😀 …. 

Random Facts :
-World most famous cartoon network – Disney,Cartoon network,Nickelodeon.
-Try searching for ‘cartoon’ keyword on google and see what cartoon character do you see. 

Yours Truly,
~ekkem 😀

Source/references :…/Top_Ten_Most_Famous_CartoonComic_Characters 
Related Search
every cartoon character list
nickelodeon cartoon characters list
Disney cartoon character list

Useless Japanese Invention??…

Japanese people is indeed a very creative community. The country japan itself has been look upon as one of the world most developt country with its advance technology that usually amazed the people of the world. Among all of  the invention made by the Japanese,there are some inventions that can appear to be useless,weird,spooky,funny you name it.The IEPOV team has selected a few of these Japanese inventions….useless???you decide…..

1.Baby Mop.
Uses : Mopping Floor.

Basically it is a mop attach to a baby cloth.So when ever your baby move around the house it’ll make sure the floor is clean.Well this is not a very hygienic way to take care of your baby.

Recommendation : NOT RECOMMENDED.
2.Swiss Army Plow.
Uses : Consist variety of planting tools.

Instead of bringing all of your planting tools why dont you buy one of these thing.All in one planting kit.But the problem is the shape of the tools itself.And im pretty sure it is heavy as hell!!!of course these kind of product will broke easily.

Recomendation : NOT RECOMMENDED.

3.Full Body Umbrella.

Uses : An umbrella that cover your whole body.

Yes it is an umbrella with extension.This is a very useful product to be use if there is a heavy rain going on…….is it??we prefer the ordinary umbrella which is more convenient compared to this one…..also it looks ridicules.

Recomendation : NOT RECOMMENDED(for you guys who dont want to look silly).

4.Daddy Nurser.
Uses : Breast for dads ………. =.=’

Well this is basically made up of a milk bottle that shape like women breast.With this,now even daddy can breast feed their child.what a silly yet smart invention.
yet come to think of it it is literally saying a usefull invention.Breast feeding achild when mommy is not around.hmmmm….

Recomendation : RECOMMENDED!!(for some circumstances).

5.Noodle Cooler.
Uses : To cool off a hot noodle.

It is a fan attach to a chopstick to cool off a hot noodle.It is indeed a silly invention not just adding extra weight to the chopstick itself the fan also make the risk or dust getting into your nooodle higher.literally….
 Recomendation : NOT RECOMENDED.


There you go several silly,useless yet smart invention created by the japanese people….

would you buy one of those product??

Yours truly,
~ekkem 🙂

Source/references : 

World most HATED man.

Since the early development of the men era, the world has faced many disturbance history event that effect the whole world by bringing chaos to the community thus jeopardizing the people of the world. Thus the people who originally comes out with these idea automatically hated by the people of the world. Hundred of man has been listed as the most hated person in the world. The IEPOV team has listed 5 of them..
So who is the most hated person in the world???..

Goerge Bush

-Ex president  of the United States of America.

 Reason for hatred : Leading several Attack, That jeopardize people of the countries and the people of its countries.

-Consider as the most stupid president in the American history.

Osama Bin Laden.

-Leader of the Al-Qaeda (terrorist group).

Reason for hatred : Has claim responsibility for the attacking of the 9/11 by hijacking 4 commercial jet air airliners before crashing two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York city building. Causes 3000 death.
– Consider as the People Champion.

Adolf Hitler 
-German Politician and the Leader of the NAZI party.

Leader of the Germany revolution.,famous for Inflicting unspeakable pain to the people who are going against him. Within three years, German forces and their  European allies had occupied most of Europe, and most of North en Africa.Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his final days to avoid capture by soviet forces.

-Consider as the most evil leader of all time.

Saddam Hussein.
-Ex-President of Iraq.
Saddamis believed to maintained links to terrorist organizations, had weapons of mass destruction, and thus needed to be overthrown.he was convicted of charges related to the 1982 killing of 148 Iraqi Shi’ites convicted of planning an assassination attempt against him, and was sentenced to death by hanging.

 Kim Jong-il
-President of North Korea

-Ignoring the warning given North korea still runs their nuclear research yet has recently lunched several nuclear test that hits the air barriers of its long time foe the south Korea, and kill several people of the country. North Korea is jeopardizing the people of the world by having nuclear weapon.

There are actually hundreds of world most hated man.The IEPOV team has decided to listed 5 of the famous one.

Yours truly,
~Ekkem 🙂

Source/references :  

World Most Beautiful Women (2010).

                                           (Chinese Symbol For Beauty)

Recently the 2010 Miss World event has been held in Sanya,china.Contestant entrance is from all over the world,with one purpose to find out who is the most beautiful women in the world. IEPOV team has listed the TOP-5 of best contestants World 2010.So Which country does these beautiful women belongs to?…..

Emma Warius

Miss World 2010 : 1st Runner Up.

Nationality : Botswana.




Adriana Vasini

Miss World 2010 : 2nd Runner-up.

Nationality : Venezuela.

 Emma Britt Waldron

 Miss World 2010 : 3rd Runner-up.

Nationality : Ireland.

Tang Xiao

Miss World 2010 : 4th Runner-up.

Nationality : China.

Mariann Birkedal

Miss World 2010 : 5th Runner-up.

Nationality : Norway.

There you go The most beautiful women in the world(2010) selected from hundreds of beautiful women all over the world.

References/source :

Random Qoutes:

“Beauty lies in the specific looks of a person, rather than the object, because different people feel beauty in differnt things.”Valley

“Beauty comes in all sizes — not just size 5.”Roseanne

“Always remember that true beauty comes from within ”

Yours Truly,
Hannah k 😀